Frequently Asked Questions


Condom FAQs

Fact Sheet

Why Use A Condom?

  • Condoms can help prevent disease and pregnancy.
  • Using a condom correctly every time you have anal, vaginal or oral sex provides protection for you and your partners.
  • Condoms are highly effective in preventing the sexual transmission of HIV. Consistent and correct use of condoms reduces the risk of other STDs, such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, genital herpes, syphilis and HPV.
  • Consistent and correct use of condoms is also highly effective in preventing unplanned pregnancies. Birth control methods such as “the pill”, IUD and diaphragm do not protect you from getting HIV and other STDs.
  • For more information on how condoms can protect your health, click on the following link CDC’s Condom Fact Sheet.

How to Use Condoms